Thursday, 17 October 2013


  • I have included page numbers to help navigate around my magazine easier and I have included the page titles too.

  • I have put an issue number on the magazine so people know what issue the magazine is and I have also put a date on so people know when it was issued 

  • The title is big so people can see it and stand out, instead of putting 'contents' I put 'The Oldershaw Bugle - Whats Inside' because having just contents is boring, I put a glow effect on too.
  • The choice of font and colours and name are the same as on the magazine cover and present a clear house style

  • A Final convention is the contact details, this is a common feature of a contents page. The contact details help provide communication with the target audience.

My Finished Contents Page

Here is a screenshot of my finished contents page. I have included Images and contact details, I have also made my text a reasonable size.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Starting My Contents Page

Starting My Contents Page For My Magazine, I Am Starting This Because I Have Finished My Front Cover

Blending Tools

Above are the blending options I have used such as Outer Glow, to make the text stand out and I Used a stroke to give the text an outline.

Monday, 7 October 2013